Didn't understand why others don't see the world as they do, i.e. My delta found his calling, he finished his masters Degree and will create therapy plans and work with kids on the spectrum. Indigo people have a special way about them, a sense of being very intelligent in many fields, but do not brag about their intelligence. At times, they can feel like theyre a totally different species because unlike so many other people, they cant compartmentalize their feelings enough to treat people badly for an extended period of time. Souls have been coming to earth from the beginning of earths creation. Indigo children are concerned with making life meaningful. Star children are divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. It is usuallypurple with markings of ocher or a crystalcolor. 2. I didnt recognize that I had one and three until much later in life. Indigo children are a new generation of gifted children blessed with supernatural abilities. Truth is a very important virtue to you because that is what you stand for. They are usually born to Crystal children from the late 1980s. Listen to your Souls calling. Although the truth hurts, you honor it above all else. that allow them to have creative outlets. You might find yourself drawn to the arts and nature. Parapsychologist Nancy Ann Tappe had always been able to see people's auras; the colors surrounding an individual would inform her what their particular purpose in life was.In the late 1970s, she suddenly began noticing a "vibrational color" that she had never seen . Despite having some different indigo child traits, all indigo children feel an urge to make things better for humanity. There is some debate as to when these beings first returned to Earth, but the consensus seems to be that the 1970s was the starting point. You can learn more about how to better utilize these gifts by studying yournumerology. I dont like people touching me or grabbing me unexpectedly as I have gone into a trans like state seeing snippets of this persons future leaving me feel exasperated and dazed. Look, were not saying your kids not special but theyre probably not next level of humanity special. There's a very good chance your child is an Indigo if he/she was born after 1992. It is backed up by something called colorology, also known as color psychology or chromotherapy. You challenge ideas and beliefs as none is too sensitive or sacred to analyze. This strong sense of purpose forms the axis of your decisions. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. I have always been so sensitive with different food and especially candy, cakes, potatochips which has made my stomach hurt alot. In social situations, they are able to sense the good, bad, truth, and lies in an effortless manner. You would prefer to suffer from the truth than be happy believing lies. Indigo Child Traits: 21 Telltale Signs You Are One - The Spirit Nomad So, you cannot afford to lose sight of your goals. If it seems like bragging, it is not; I sat on my knowledge for almost twenty years because I thought it wasnt true. Do you think you are one of the same? Deep in your heart, you feel a driving force to create positive change on this planet. Could your neurotic megalomaniacal ego be ANY bigger? They are defined by their powerful drive to change the world. They are gifted souls empowered with various spiritual and psychic abilities. Youve always had a strong desire to understand how things work. 13. Are you an indigo child? Nonetheless, your idealism is what helps you to strive for the highest and do the absolute best you can for the planet. Key indigo child traits include a strong will, a very intuitive mind, and an urge to improve the preexisting condition in any area within their influence. (Free Test), Emotional Trauma Test (Free 2-Minute Quiz). Money means practically nothing to you past a certain point. Here is a partial list of tell-tale characteristics. Inner Child Test: What is S/he Trying to Tell You? They seem to just "know" things, even when there is no logical explanation for how they could have acquired that knowledge. I dont like self-proclaiming indigo because it reminds me of part of the problem we face here today. The primary role of the indigo child seems to revolve around exposing truth and deception. Keeping the light on. If thats the case, its important to give them the attention, medical or otherwise, that they truly need. © 2023 IFLScience. What Is an Indigo Child | Indigo Children If you are an indigo child let it be and don't try to make anything from it that makes you feel special. i have indeed have seen ghost,heard ghost and felt them off and on in my life. With so many signature traits, it seems like it would be no trouble at all to figure out if you or your little one were one of these extra-evolved humans. I feel left out lol, when will i get my consciousness back. The creator of the universe is light and love, and I follow his example. I was full of anxiety and felt like I was fighting my way through life. They tend to be androgynous and have psychic powers, such as clairvoyancy. Indigo children are known for their incredible imaginations. Are You An Indigo Child? - AllTheTests Indigo children have advanced emotions. They are so attuned to inner-self that every feeling that bubbles to the surface feels more potent than it does for others. One of the main indicators of an indigo child is someone born with a much higher than normal sense of curiosity. To ignore these new patterns is to . Continue reading. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Indigo child traits are certain characteristics that have been observed when studying indigo children. As an indigo child, you may notice that you have been blessed with rare gifts even as a child. The indigo child is also thought to possess strong intuition and varying spiritual gifts such as the ability to communicate with spirit guides or see visions. I am going to quickly mention this right now. Parents who buy into the indigo child idea might view their child's problematic symptoms and behaviors like inattention, and disruptive or defiant behaviors through the lens of their indigo child status or identity, Vermani said and that, she added, could lead them to dismiss, resist, or delay addressing problems through traditional channels of proper diagnosis and treatment.. The Answer Will SurpriseYou, The Romantic Comedy You Should Watch This Valentines Day, Based On Your ZodiacSign, How Narcissists Use Dog Whistling To Covertly Abuse You: Signs Of This Dangerous ManipulationMethod, 3 Reasons Youre Still Single, And What To Do AboutIt, Are You There God? Came to at 2:30 am slumped over no clue where i was or realized what happened at first. In the meanwhile, I wish you all an infinity of colorful light. Indigo Children are according to Wikipedia a New Age Concept that was developed by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. Indigo children are commonly diagnosed with ADHD. If you can recall the lengths we had to go just to find this place then you know why its close to my heart. I am studying metaphysics now and became an R.M.T. I know things. The turn of the century was something of a golden age for medical paranoia even notwithstanding todays ivermectin rope worms and rampant vaccine misinformation. The period of maturation and spiritual awakeningof the delta generation coincides with the periodfrom 2016 until 2026. Sure, youd love to be rich, but if you have enough money to pay your bills and live comfortably, you arent the kind of person who NEEDS to have more than that. Does your child have difficulty with discipline and authority? To you, spirituality is falling in love with the message, and religion is loving the messenger. These are humanist, artist, conceptualist, and catalyst. Hi John, I was born September 1948. Then years later now I realize i lost my suicidal tendencies, became sorta like a martyr and made a vow. Im working through a ton of trauma now and have finally made enough strides to start feeling okay. A typical feature of both generations, Alpha and Beta, is that theylook much younger than they actually are, Tappe says. " You may be an Indigo Child. Indigo children are so named because of a distinct indigo tint in their aura. Thanks for posting, this is the first time Ive ever posted something on this topic. I study all areas in life concerning helping others in need, whatever the need. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They all contain ludicrous Barnum Statements such as You Feel Entitled or You Question Authority or even You Are Destined To Be Here.. Every rule, belief, structure, and institution will be questioned and ruthlessly challenged by the indigo child this trait is truly unusual and extraordinary. Also always remember the golden rule LOVE LOVE LOVE! Like you, the description of the Indigo qualities fits me almost exactly. Understand An Indigo Child - SpiritNow And in tiny pill bottles across the world, something else was happening: a massive change in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological and neurological disorders. Sounds good, doesnt it? They love to hear about religions and spiritual practices of all kinds, but its very rare for one to adopt a rigid practice of their own. That is good. I am highly selective who I let close to me as I feel others energies and my body takes on their thoughts, emotions ect, and I have always valued my own alone time and get very angry when people dont let me have that time to myself (Im putting myself in a time out, until I can play nicely with everyone again) (I need my own personal bubble right now and unplug from the world for awhile) comments i have frequently said for years now. I know something/someone has done some kind of scanning on my body at night while trying to sleep. In these encounters you will come to know and understand yourself more deeply. 33 Signs Of Indigo Children - Are You An Indigo Child? - Ask-Angels.com 8. Is your child easily, emotionally triggered? ), Spirituality vs Religion: 11 Differences (With Pros + Cons List). I am also a great manifestor. Courage will replace fear. im born in the Delta generation. Youre welcome to email me.if it shows and I will help you figure out why you are feeling this way. You are one to question authority as a result of your skeptical nature. To sum it up, if strange things happen to you, and you feel that you are on a spiritual path, and moreover, that you feel that you are on a mission to help others, it is most likely exactly what it seems to be. In addition, indigo children are blessed with psychic abilities, and they have a unique perspective on the world. To those individuals, you will effortlessly be known. Carroll was an economics major who ran a technical audio business for 30 years until a visit to a psychic prompted a New Age midlife crisis. Are you an Indigo Child ? - Find out More With the Indigo Child Test To their parents and teachers, they may seem like overly inquisitive, headstrong, and even obnoxious children. To realise the wrongdoings in this world. I just learned of indigo children today, and from the few articles Ive read so far, I definitely feel its possible that I am one. So trying to remain calm i just said it was probably his daddy watching over us. They're often called "system busters" and are usually intuitive, strong willed, incredibly bright souls who don't seem to or want to fit into the system. Your challenge is to let your years catch up to you. I know an 85 year old who also looks about 35 or so. Hello, alpha for some reason all the kids in 1976 or so heard the trumpet to join and started the very creative punk movement. Dont limit this to any one or more generations, they can be from any generation that chose explore life beyond earth. To be clear, this isnt one of those things like the hygiene hypothesis, where legitimate (albeit ultimately misguided) scientific thought got warped by overzealous and undereducated parents and media. like i am finding out about being an indigo child when i am STILL A CHILD so i think i will create my own path, who knows ? She is the author of hundreds of popular articles, as well as numerous books and journals on the topics of Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, and more. I always knew I was somehow different, but never knew why. Indigos are known for their anti-establishment leanings and their drive to see the old ways overturned and a new, better path forged. Tendency towards addiction to numb feelings, More sensitive to environmental and food pollutants, Spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance or telepathy. Just as i write this im all over the place. It is my belief that if we ban together, we possess the ability to overcome the dark forces that occasionally, surround us. There are also crystal children, named for their supposedly crystal-colored (and conveniently invisible to the human eye) auras but this concept, even more than that of indigo children, appears to be a reaction against diagnoses of autism. Below I have included a list of seventeen authentic signs. This desire to bring the truth to light seems to be written into the indigo childs DNA. Every day I do something with love caring people and animals. Supposedly this isthe last pure indigo generation. The Alphas were sent here to set the energy and provide and foundation for our kindred to build on, we are in effect the elders of this group and often operate behind the scenes. I never see THISI. You have a creative outlet. His standardized tests were always in the 95 percentile and he read extensively. They are our mirrors. Its Me, MargaretThe Classic Banned Book Is Finally Getting Made Into AMovie, Signs Youre A Toxic Person (And How To Fixit! The truth is in it. From a young age, indigo children can see through the illusions, half-truths, and falsehoods rampant in society. Only The Right Love can change this planet into a better place to live. Indigo children have come to show us the way we have forgotten. Blessings to all. Indigo adults where born before 1958 . There are ways you can determine whether or not you're an Indigo child, so if you'd like to have a look: Click here Am I An Indigo, Crystal Or Rainbow Personality? - AllTheTests 32 Signs You Are Spiritually Gifted (Is This You? I think I am a Lyran too. I always felt I knew many things better than adults, and therefore could not stand any authority; I was rebellious and a-social (until I met like-natured people in my 20-s). I cant be nice I always react in a boss bitch sarcastic who the fuck do you think you are attitude towards them. In a world that has lost touch with its soul, the indigo child is here as a light-bearer, path forger, and paradigm shifter. Highly sensitive to their environment. Truth, to you, is of primary importance. Ive always been told Im much wiser beyond my years and that i possibly have a much older soul. You are here to make the world better, period. Let's check it out! Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL THING AND YOU SOULD EMBRACE IT! By the way, indigo children arent the only people to be so diagnosed. As an empathic and compassionate person, you gravitate towards the natural world. All Rights Reserved. At work, you like to be in roles that grant you control over your time and allow you to workfrom home. You always seek the truth and live by it. With this improved diagnosis and treatment came a slew of panicky commentary, disturbed by what people saw as the overmedicalization of society. We have always been here in small numbers as required. Always been an outcast, overly sensitive, and Ive been struggling with addiction for about 10 years now. If they see one scary movie, they may still remember it 10 years later when theyre in a dark and lonely setting. They said Im boring, little did they know that even to me they are boring , All of the traits are there..I am born in 52 and am 70. Indigo children is a New Age concept assigning special psychological characteristics to certain children. Children born in the Delta and Omega period, are also calledCrystal Childrenbecause of a particularly bright, crystal color in their aura. While it is true that the indigo child label can be misused, just as any label can, the true signs of an indigo child are so specific that they cannot be widely applied to every person. Stubbornness, distrust of the norm, and unconventional approaches to situations are core indigo child traits. You feel a divine urge to create change in the existing status quo, especially when the status quo tends towards injustice and unfairness. A person, usually a teenager or young adult who does not and can not comply with modern society, who is highly evolved spiritually and is believed to have come here in this time to aid in the transition of the energies of earth in the near future. This pattern has singularly unique factors that . Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations. Youve been this way from a young age and have always felt like youve established a connection with something spiritually deep. There are 3 types of Indigo children who are spiritual beings put on this earth to help the planet shift and evolve. Also referred to as a crystal or star child, an indigo child is a person who has come into this world destined to create change and spiritually awaken humanity. I am beta, all the things I did read here arr right.
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