This is definitely an excellent, simple recipe to have around. I have hummus but my daughter asked what we had to eat with it. I woke up this morning and realized that I did not think of a quick bite for our pre-dinner cocktails. Thank you for this recipe. The filling is really what counts, and the frozen dough is so convenient! Nevertheless I am so grateful for this recipe, & THANKS A LOT for sharing!!! Love them $11.69+. This is my kind of recipe! Using a hot pizza stone was a great tip from one of your followers. It was a spur of the moment thing, so I didnt have any appropriate fresh herbs. MMM, looks delicious. I agree with previous commenters who liked them crispier. One quick note to add (& maybe others have done this): Before baking, I gently score/slice each of the three rounds into wedge-shaped slices that can then be broken into other rustic shapes. I would eat it all! I was just out in the garden, frankly a little POd that EVERYTHING I PLANTED SUCKS, except for the lovely rosemary and a little basil. You werent kidding when you said this was recipe was easy! Served with chips or baked chips (150/100 cal) and a pickle (5 cal). Im going to try dill and basil (pesto?) Then I spread the ricotta mixture on the bread and topped it with veggies. [because I hate waiting for dough to rise, and this was as quick as a blink] It tastes wonderful with lashings of cream cheese and roasted capsicum and cashew pesto. These look delicious and shockingly easy! I was wondering this as well, but I ended up just heating one with the oven, and then I pulled it out and oiled it just before adding the flatbread dough. Will make a great gift along with some sharp extra-old cheddar cheese and a jar of homemade antipasto. I want to make more to play around with not only the spices but also flours I wonder if a GF version would be good? Before testing out your recipe, thought you could provide information. Thanks, Yvonne, that was my question as well. Any idea if I can freeze them? 10 Things You Should Know Before Eating at Jason's Deli My oven exploded while I was preheating (yes, sparks flew out the vent under the door), so I found myself cooking the flatbread on the grill outside. BTW, I make mine on my pizza stone, works great! What did I do wrong? Repeat with remaining pieces of dough. I made this flatbread also and youre right it is sooooo delicious. Ill give it another try soon! Its funny, because I was just wondering this weekend if there are any recipes out there for crackers. But actually, I also tried it as a pizza base, and it was great! YUM!! You say to heat up one and then oil another? Just made this last night. This was exactly what I needed to know. Believe it or not, Ive never brushed them with olive oil, and they are still delicious. Thanks for making this look so easy I will certainly have to make my own next time. I loved the rosemary flavor! Made this for our Pandemic Thanksgiving brunch platter. 37 Best Jason's Deli Copycat Recipes ideas - Pinterest I absolutely LOVE this. Good with soups and salads and also as a cracker for cheese and tomato or just butter and a glass of wine! and it was DELISH! Just wanted to say thanks so much for this recipe. You know? Deb, I made the Rosemary Flatbread today on my gas grill! Can you make this with whole wheat or white whole wheat flour? Wow I cant believe I have made a recipe BEFORE you! I just made this flatbread and its awesome! Thank you for such a great and easy recipe! So sorry about the awful hold music Ive dealt with that as well, on the phone ;0). Crispy enough to complement the soft and almost creamy texture of the eggplants. thoughts? But yeah, thanks for spending the time to talk about this subject here on your web page. Saving up big time for the Maine house overlook the ocean, where it is nice and cool. Required fields are marked *. Very forgiving too. Thank you Deb! My daughter declared it her comfort food. Could this dough be made ahead and refrigerated overnight or even frozen? Also its great idea to add some tomatoe sauce, fresh basil and mozzarella on the top and bake for 2-3 minutes more. maybe cutting into smaller pieces, for more browning? Fantastic! These are great. This inspires me. All of it. I served it, to be rather different, with chili con carne and fresh avocado, red onion and tomato salsa ofcoarse with lots of grated Parmesan the combos not the norm but it was a hit been ordered to make more asap thanks. They go extremely well with goat cheese (both plain and flavored), and I cannot tell you how many people asked for the recipe. Solves the age-old question, What do we smear our goat cheese on? Is that not the age-old question? Theres something intoxicating about the smell of freshly baked pastry. Ill be checking here daily! I just keep my eye on them and poke the bubbles with a knife so they deflate, but wondering if anyone knows a better way to prevent the bubbles from occurring at all? We have a rosemary bush in the yard that is going crazy, and everything else in the pantry it was meant to be! As I rolled out the 2nd piece of the dough, preparing it for the oven, Just an aside for all of you herb-growing-challenged readers, my 92-yr-old grandmother (who is NEVER wrong, I might add) has often said that only a bitch can grow rosemary! I dont know where this old wives tale comes from, but I believe it must be true since both my grandmother and I have absolutely gorgeous, flourishing rosemary bushes all over our gardens!! So good! Amazing. Convection oven turned out better than coventional, for me. He suggests ways you can use schmaltz instead of oil in the dough (or, I bet, cut in butter). These look great. I see people post questions but none seem to answer or care past seeing their names in lights. Yay! $11.69+. Crispy and flakey, yet incredibly fast and easy to make. Im a huge flatbread fan, I have some red-lentil dal in the fridge that would be great with some flatbread! Yes, I have made this on a pizza stone, and to paraphrase Seinfeld Yes, theyre real, and they were fantastic! 26.9 km from tTok | iF. Made a second batch with WW flour and had to add a little extra water and EVOO. scrumdiddles!!! Thanks for another to add to my folder of recipes! It has been a MAJOR crowd pleaser and its so easy! Also, made smaller and cooked in a cast iron skillet (too hot to use oven here, today!) This is going to be one of those recipes that you can adapt to whatever you need. MMMMMMM looks delicious! thanks! Thanks for sharing! Served with a cup of au jus. Holy yum! Thank you Deb for taking the time to respond. Love this recipe (my sister also says it is her favorite cracker) and I love making it. So glad I found this, probably the easiest flat bread recipe out there. I just made a batchsent the picture to my bf who (loves all things bread-like and with rosemary on them). I divided dough into 6 pieces instead of 3 so my dough become thinner and more crispy. your blog is fabulous, thanks for the endless inspiration! Id love to share here my tiny mistake which turned out great!!! And what a gorgeous website best recipes I have come across in a long time. Always comes out great. I sprinkled it with some grated parmigiano reggiano for an extra salty bite. Thank you. This has become my oh-why-have-I-procrastinated-AGAIN recipe for potlucks. I cant believe I didnt finish it all! Delicious! (Im having flatbread pizzas, with yard fresh toms and basil to impress the hubby boy). it is perfect and sooooooo easy. I made these and hummus (with the skins off of the beans, like Deb taught me). I added some chopped olives on my second time around and that worked really well, too. Not if there is a way around that or its just inevitable. omg, i cant stop eating theseand theyre not even fully cooled yet! I usually serve with some kind of spreadable dip, the latest of which is Spicy Ceci Bean Puree from Epicurious. Caaaarbs I think anyone that has an aversion to baking bread should start with this one. Keep up the great work! Unfortunately the cheese hasnt drained enough yet, but the flatbread turned out well. oh LORD this is amazing. I made them. It only took me a week but I found what I was looking for for you! Love, love, love this recipe! need to bake! Thats GORGEOUS! I noticed on the web that another person had same experience and added an egg. SO good with goats cheese. For these last three batches, I baked it at 425 degrees, and was able to avoid the burnt spots, and did not pre-bake the pan, crackers still came out golden, and had many people raving about it and wanting the recipe. And if there were ever a spread that could lift you from your love lifts us up where we belong drudgery, it would be that gorgeous herb-focused spread near the back of the issue. Thanks for sharing!! My herbs were awful this year! Oh theres the buzzer now. I did need to roll against the flap side of the plastic wrap, so it wouldnt unroll, no problem there either. I made these Sunday night following the recipe to a t. I have experimented with many different flatbreads trying to find a light and crispy one for a pizza and this indeed was finally it! Perfect!! Funny how life works: I just stumbled upon this recipe via Surprise Me, and as I read through it, it occurred to me that they resembled the Spanish olive oil tortas that I bought on Tuesday. I made a double batch last fall, baked up half the rounds for a baby shower, then came home and baked up the second half for myself! Flatbread is even better, as then I eat less of it! The ratio of flour to baking powder to water is very important to make it crisp. So, I am trying to put these in a Tupperware container to take to a potluck, but I keep breaking off a piece to eat! Cant wait to make for my family at Easter. I love the richness of the color and thickness of the glass. I thought I should add that being the lazy, owner of few cooking utensils cook that I am I dont have parchment paper or a rolling pin- I just smooshed the ALL the dough into one huge messy rectangle directly onto a non-stick cookie sheet. This comes pretty darn close. Served with blue corn chips and salsa. Husband and I have renamed it from flatbread to crackbread. Had it with Italian Wedding Meatball soup and my children and husband loved it. Jason's Deli - Raleigh-Spring Forest - Raleigh, NC Let me be the first to repent. I cut them into cracker size with a pizza cutter before baking. I made these this weekend with tarragon and chopped, rosted, sweet onion. You should make the grilled yogurt flatbreads in Smitten Kitchen Every Day. I made this last night for the first time, and I was a little surprised by the flakiness. And he in fact ordered me dinner due to the fact that I found it for him lol. Do ahead: Flatbread can be made up to 4 days ahead and cooled completely, then kept in an airtight container at room temperature. I would never have thought of making crackers on my own, although I could not do without them. How have I not commented already?! still came out fantastic. And I agree with everyone who has said, just add cheese and a bottle of wine! If youre in a rush and dont have time to preheat an oven, you can also throw this dough out on a dry, medium heat cast iron skillet. I sprayed each side of the rolled out dough with some olive oil spray. [Note: These crackers got some fresh photos in 2019 because the 2008 ones were awful. The bread looks delicious but I want that blue bowl. I strongly disagree with one of the comments that it makes the crackers unappetizing on the contrary: I took them to work today and Everybody loved them and I already fwded the link to the recipe. I did 1 C WW pastry flour, 3/4 C all-purpose, worked great! ~Shes not that bright. I brought it to a family gathering and it disappeared in literally 15 minutes the whole batch! these couldnt be easier and are delicious. Its delicious. Yes yes.the issue made me swoon and I went outside and raided the basil to make a basil parmesan version that was delightful and like that god awful movie.gone in 60 seconds. Ive only made flatbread once before, but anything with rosemary must be added to my to-make-as-soon-as-possible list, so I guess Ill be trying this soon! Ive made these twice both times, it was meant as a snack, but it ended up replacing dinner, since we couldnt stop eating them! lovely! I let the whole thingbake a few more minutes. I found that if I cut the third one in half, I can just fit then all on one sheet. I know lavash is thinner. Made this tonight and it turned out great. It looks like a keeper for my recipe file. The dough wont fight the rolling pin if it gets a chance to chill out. Super simple recipe like this one also. i did have to be careful to really roll it out as thin as possible but even though the first one was thicker it was still good. The dough, though, makes it a bit difficult: it was kind of shrinking and tearing apart when rolled probably because the flour is really whole grain, so I added some water after the first rounds and it was better, but in the end, the shape didnt matter. On the first flatbread, I found that I had not rolled it thin enough and it took about 15 minutes to bake. Actually I make these regularly enough that I remember the recipe, perfect when I forgot to buy bread. Fantastic with goat cheese. Hello! Sprinkle with sea salt. In fact I tried to feed some to the ducks in the park, and they rejected it, I admit I was a little insulted. :). I love this recipe. I had to use just a little more water, but other than that All Fine! Cook each side for about a minute, or until beginning to blacken. We got back from a weekend away and the last thing I felt like doing was cooking, but after seeing your beautiful pictures and reading your blog, I just had to make this! But in a word: dont! I didnt have fresh rosemary so I just used dried and it was still delicious! sturdy round crackers , i.e. I will definitely make it again, maybe with other spices like zaatar. I am thrilled to have just tried this exquisite recipe!!! So good and so easy. I fit mine one one, barely, but you might need two. After brushing each flatbread lightly with olive oil, I slide the parchment off the peel on to the preheated baking sheet in the oven. I also thought they could have used a little more salt or something as they were kind of floury and bland. It went as beautifully with a winter meal as I imagine it did with your summer meal. Or chopped black olives, fresh oregano and some of those oven roasted tomatoes. never fail! ;-), This looks amazing! So glad my hubby discovered your site. I was impressed with how easy it was to make these and that they came out so delicious! These are so tasty and easy and Im thanking you dearly for the break from saltines! Use your hands to gently knead dough inside the bowl 4 or 5 times, until it comes together in a semi-smooth ball. Thanks! 35 gr. By the third flatbread they were PERFECT!! Always love your words (and unflagging sense of gentle humour) about food, life, and the universe! a friend of the family gave us a huge rosemary plant (that thankfully is actually lasting through all the snow here in brooklyn).and i cant stop using it in everything i make i just never tire of it! And I can see I am not the only one. YUM! Its so good I ate the whole first cracker when it came out of the oven and realized I needed to make a second batch. A great pre-Christmas snack! Ive made these twice now and they are AMAZING! Super quick, easy, and delicious. You can bake on aluminum foil or right on a baking sheet with the same results, parchment just makes it easier to remove from the pan and prevents any sticking. I know theres one in Austin so there should be one in Houston. I did one batch with no brushed olive oil on top and they were indistinguishable from the ones with the brushed tops. Ill be trying it out tomorrow, for my mom, a herb bread lover. Made first batch with zaatar and 3/4c whole wheat flour and when I bit into the first one thought, I just made wheat thins! People are still raving about the cracker bread months later. We made these last night to go with a casual dinner of hummus, cheeses, olives, roasted asparagus, and the warm cherry tomato salad featured with your baked feta recipe. I dont know what that dinner will be, but it will go with flatbread no matter what, because this sounds so yummy and easy. Ramassage d'encombrants Ustaritz Dchetteries et ramassage d'encombrants. I made these today for the man , I tried brushing them with my Garlic infused Rice Bran oil [my favorite kitchen commodity], and the slight hint was great. Im just getting back to this since our last conversation; I thought if I went on and on about it, youd either get fed up with me and ignor my yammering or make them in defense! I tried this a couple days ago. it will be perfect. Friday Night Lights is hands down the best show on television. I am confused. with cracked black pepper. Dont skimp on the salt heck add more.
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