Achieving these and other priorities will require new policies which update and eventually replace our adopted policies. Evidence will be expected to demonstrate how alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Expect evidence to be provided to demonstrate that brownfield land and/or redundant facilities have been used where possible; and, How alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Seek to ensure that consideration is given to the full range of the proposed projects environmental, transport and socio economic impacts: positive and negative, tangible and intangible, and the level and duration of those impacts over time; and, Demonstration as to how these assessments have informed the development and delivery of the hierarchy of impact avoidance, mitigation and compensation proposals; and. The Council has identified ten themes and associated issues, constraints and opportunities relevant to: the development of sustainable and integrated proposals for a NNB development, and the minimisation of impacts on our local communities and environment, and the maximisation of positive outcomes, community benefits and legacy. As part of this Phase 1 Issues and Approaches consultation document, we want to set out the range of policies we think will be required and which local plan priority they would assist in achieving. We also want to open up new channels of communication, both digitally and through our face to face engagement and service interactions so we can reach all of our residents. Locations which are highly accessible and provided with public transport options, and close to employment, shops and services, are being investigated as part of this process. By focusing our efforts on education and skills for both children and adults we can have greatest impact in tackling inequality. The treatment and temporary storage of radioactive waste, both arising from Oldbury but also as part of an integrated programme of decommissioning for the national fleet of nuclear legacy power station sites because Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) has been imported to Oldbury for processing before onward transport to the long term storage facility at Berkley. We will continue to equip our staff with the tools and skills to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, harnessing the potential of new technology and holding on to improved ways of working to deliver even better value for money for residents and businesses. Monitoring and review arrangements for both the construction and operational phases of the NNB. Income generation for community infrastructure purposes does not form a material consideration in planning decisions. We will continue to invest in them to ensure they can benefit from the same opportunities as any other young person. Theme: Flexibilities, monitoring and management, Due to the timeframes for NNB projects, there is the potential for changes in the socio economic or environmental context of the project Since detailed design of NNB facilities continues after DCO consent, it is likely that design parameters will be set to future proof plans The precautionary approach to impact appraisal ensures that worst case scenarios are assessed, However, the duration of impact is also relevant to acceptability Due to the complexity of NNB development it is possible that unanticipated impacts may occur during construction and/or operation. Public concerns about NNB may arise during the planning process and implementation, The timely delivery of impact mitigation and infrastructure can be secured through phasing plans and triggers Contingency Funding enables mitigation of unanticipated effects Public confidence can be built by publishing regularly updated monitoring information on a public web site. A Community Impact Mitigation Fund can facilitate offsetting of unavoidable impacts that cannot be mitigated Community Benefits are a way of recognising the burden and disturbance of a development of the complexity, scale and duration of NNB that is borne by the host community. Similarly for biodiversity, where alternative habitats may be required to accomodate displaced species, and for archaeology where advance agreement and implementation of Written Schemes of Investigation, early agreement and implementation of strategies may be required. For larger projects, cumulative impact assessment is a particularly important consideration, including across within and across topic areas and in combination with other plans and projects. The Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy and Joint Waste Core Strategy. All of these documents are used by the council when assessing planning applications. The local authority is also the enforcement authority post consent. They are currently defined in policy PSP11 Transport Impact Management, the proposed new policy will eventually replace PSP11. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. A classified heat network is a heat network with a definite plan to become 100% renewable within a reasonable time scale, is constructed to a high quality (in accordance with appropriate technical standards, currently CIBSE code of practice), offers a fair and affordable price to consumers, and provides annual reporting on their performance and carbon content. Contact to request this service. Satisfaction in the area79% of local people are satisfied with their area. There are many strands to the inequality challenge and we must work with partners in health and education, with voluntary and community groups and directly with local people to first identify those at greatest need and to then put in place timely and appropriate support, ensuring that mechanisms, guidance and pathways to further education, employment and career progression etc. The regulation and permitting of radioactive waste is the responsibility of the Office For Nuclear Regulation and the Environment Agency. The 95 will be index linked and therefore increase annually. You can get information on their website. We have local and national targets for reducing carbon emissions and increasing renewable energy generation that must be met. Given the timeframe for decommissioning, it will be important that the masterplan is an evolving document, and that phasing and review mechanisms for all relevant socio-economic and environmental considerations are built in. The provision of electric vehicle charging in South Gloucestershire will be especially important for more rural areas where access to other modes of transport will be limited. Some areas have relatively poor access to higher level job opportunities, and low-level attainment and skills. A total population of 285,100 in 2019 which is projected to rise to 354,300 in 2043. The objective will be to identify measures, projects and services to mitigate impact while enhancing the long-term well-being and sustainability of the communities and environments affected. This will also support the objectives of Urban Lifestyles and the NPPF, making efficient use of land and freeing up space that would otherwise be used for car parking provision to allow much needed open spaces where higher densities will make land in short supply. NNB development would also be subject to legislation relating to hazardous sites including a Detailed Emergency Planning Zone, within which the Emergency Planning implications of new development would need to be considered. For all developments, (except residential developments and those where there is no on-site car parking provision proposed) provision should be made for motorcycles and powered two wheelers equal to 3% of the number of car parking spaces required. Stroud District Local Plan Review; Pay, report & apply for Council services Pay it; Report it; Apply for it; Press room See all. The fund will be administered by the Council and will be collected via Section 106 agreements. Below are some of the key changes that will influence a new approach. e) In appropriate areas and sites, Urban Lifestyles principles will be applied, to make the best use of land by optimising densities and providing a mix of uses, leading to the creation of compact, efficient, and healthy urban areas. This may also be relevant to informing the Councils planning response to any consultations on consents, licenses or permits from other organisations, as well as in determining planning applications to South Gloucestershire Council. Parking standards will form an important part in enabling and controlling car parking, including electric vehicle charging provision and bicycle parking provision, which alongside other policies will support the objectives to enable the new approach. Proposals for development where the primary function utilises, promotes or perpetuates reliance on fossil fuels, are considered to be in conflict with the policy and will not be acceptable. The Council Plan is based around four key priorities which have been informed by a recognition of some fundamental challenges: notably driven by a passion to reduce our growing inequality gap and meet our climate emergency promise. Changes to the way the planning system operates (including national planning policy) is likely to have a strong influence on the range and content of planning policies we include in our Local Plan 2020. Where public realm is required or provided, it should be accessible, attractive, functional, safe, varied, and interesting, to encourage social interaction. Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO), Residential Conversions and Sub-Divisions, 48. This policy will be applied in consideration of both on and off-site issues, including impacts arising as a result of the transport of radioactive waste off site. Do you have any comments on the range and scope of policies we are proposing? Their location will be governed by grid connection availability, and proposals will be more favourably considered where they form part of a renewable energy generation facility, or are located in industrial areas. However, the local planning authority may also highlight local issues and local planning policy that are considered to be important and relevant that the examining body can take into account when assessing and making recommendations on a DCO application. Coastal change), Flood zone 3 across the Levels EA requirements for levels of protection for NNB Potential for development to increase risk elsewhere Existing flood risk in local settlements, To address flood risk problems at Oldbury on Severn and the Levels Contribute to delivery of the Shoreline Management Plan, Theme: Transport, including for example: construction materials, equipment, abnormal indivisible loads and workers, Unsuitability of much of the local road network for the volumes and scale of NNB vehicles The safety, amenity and access needs of local communities Congestion and capacity issues on the Strategic Road network, including motorway junctions The environmental sensitivity of the locality Emergency access requirements in times of flood, Utilise non-road transport solutions including sea and rail The use of temporary transport infrastructure Capturing worker movements where they will result in least impact on the road network Maximising use of public transport, cycling and walking Separation, control and enforcement of necessary NNB road traffic and parking from the local road network Addressing congestion on the strategic road network increase capacity at local motorway junctions Contribute to delivery of JLTP, through legacy transport links and Park and Ride/ Park and Share facilities, For operational reasons construction workers may need to be accommodated on site Location of NNB site in Flood Zone 3 (see above) Significant proportion of workers may seek functional low-cost accommodation Potential commuting zone up to 90 minutes Pressure on local private rented sector Limited tourist accommodation in South Glos. Ensuring local communities are not unbalanced or overwhelmed, Workforce surveys during construction could enable mitigation adjustments if needed Contributing legacy in terms of:o Serviced sites or housing in line with the Local Plan and Housing Market Assessmento Amenity or recreational facilities for community use, Theme: Environment (archaeology & historic environment, landscape & visual, ecology), Large scale NNB construction in environmentally sensitive Severn Levels and Estuary International, national and local biodiversity and heritage designations and assets A currently tranquil landscape with dark skies Requirement for Habitats Regulations Assessment Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain Historic Levels landscape with high archaeological potential Extensive PRoW network including the Severn Way Even with rigorous approaches to impact avoidance / mitigation, significant residual impacts are likely Advance archaeological, biodiversity and visual assessments to inform site selection and planning, Maximise the use of brown field land at the existing power station to minimise both use of green fields and visual impact Advance landscape and biodiversity works to minimise NNB construction impacts Off-site compensatory habitat creation and planting to contribute to biodiversity networks and mitigate visual impact Phasing to restore land and habitat as soon as it is no longer needed for construction purposes, Although nuclear power generation is low carbon, construction methods vary in sustainability Need to ensure climate change resilience (see also Flooding theme above) Adjacent nuclear decommissioning and NNB sites. This policy is intended to be read in combination in particular with the emerging Local Plan 2020, policy on decommissioning, although it may also be relevant to any future proposals for disposing of radioactive waste off site, and the development of preferred principles for the decommissioning of a new nuclear power station. Given the nature and scale of many NSIPs, it is likely that the full range of topics under the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations will need to be considered. Our approaches to strategic growth policies will be informed by the emerging sub-regional Spatial Development Strategy and supporting evidence base. The most up to date census data outlines that South Gloucestershire has a higher level of vehicle ownership per household than the national average. We will inspire residents, communities, and businesses as well as national Government and agencies to take fast climate and ecological action themselves. Flood risk, drainage, water quality and water management, 24. They should make sufficient provision for: They also provide a clear starting point for more detailed non-strategic policies that are needed to address a wide range of issues. Providing land for Economic Development, 9. Our aim is to promote vibrant, mixed-use town centres with active public spaces, commercial, education, leisure, and cultural facilities. Completion of the current fibre broadband deployment across South Gloucestershire will achieve 99% superfast fibre broadband coverage by 31 March 2021. As part of these, we will want to understand how individual proposals will relate to the wider decommissioning plans and uses, any proposals for new build, and explore potential opportunities for beneficial interim reuse and/ or the restoration of land, prior to the site reaching its long term and final end state. It is therefore possible to achieve a net zero carbon standard where carbon emissions from the operation of a new development, in terms of heat and power, are effectively reduced to zero. A planning designation of Parking zones, for certain urban parts of the authority, to indicate where reduced parking provision may be appropriate, would be progressed as part of this approach. An example of this is our current work with the South Gloucestershire Tec Arc, a cluster of world-leading business and research institutions from the Bristol and Bath Science Park and National Composites Centre at Emersons Green, through the University of the West of England and Bristol Robotics Laboratory at Frenchay to the aerospace and engineering businesses of the Filton Enterprise Area. The aim of this design policy is to shape and direct development proposals to create resilient and exceptional places, spaces, and buildings in South Gloucestershire. The Assessment is expected to be undertaken by the developer as part of their Transport Assessment/Statement. In August 2020, the Government released a Planning White Paper for consultation which proposes significant changes to the Planning system. The changes to the Order specifically relates to the way that retail, employment and leisure uses are classified. The nominated site is set in a sensitive location on the eastern bank of the internationally designated Severn Estuary, with tidal mudflats and the existing power station lagoon to the west, and the historic, flat, open landscape and habitats of the Severn Levels to the east. secure reliable energy generation capacity; ord. We're working on an update to the Bristol local plan. Creating sustainable rural villages and settlements, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. Firstly, the need to ensure that energy consumption is minimised through building and site level design measures must be addressed. Planning policies also safeguard and seek to enhance our green infrastructure, biodiversity, historic assets and buildings, and unique areas of character across the authority. An explanation as to how any necessary Environmental Impact Assessment requirements will be met and Habitats Regulations compliance achieved, should accompany the strategic masterplan and individual proposals for the site. The fund will be spent on low carbon projects within South Gloucestershire, such as renewable energy schemes, retrofitting of existing housing stock. There is also an updated online map which displays sites submitted during . Earlier Core Strategy documents and representations can be downloaded from our website. Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) are large-scale projects of national importance (defined in the Planning Act 2008) such as new trunk roads, airports, ports, power stations (including nuclear), electricity transmission lines, waste water treatment works and chemical works. 5. Future stages of the Local Plan are being planned to progress alongside the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and more details will be provided as the SDS reaches criticial milestones.
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