There was no fair system of karmic give-and-take as there appeared in later religions the average Mesopotamian god could grant a difficult wish or take a life as they pleased, even if the person in question had been a devout worshiper and a good human being. God bless you and your work. NKJV, John- Both the Sumerian and Akkadian languages contain many words to express the sensation of ni, including the word puluhtu, meaning "fear". According to Sitchins writings, the technology and power of the Anunnaki is something our civilization cannot replicate even today in the 21st century. Studying An can also give you some more insight into the word "Anunnaki." Anu, God of the Sky temple in his honor, called Esagila. However, this would be impossible to do without leaving behind a replacement, and it was then that Inanna chose Dumuzi to stay in her stead, upset that he had not mourned her loss enough. among the most important of the many mesopotamian gods were anu, the god of heaven; enki, the god of water; and enlil, the "lord of the air," or the wind god. Mesopotamian religion was central to the people's lives. Much more will be disclosed and known about SAM by SAMs already here. The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Like her son Enki/Ea she is also associated with magic. This is the real deal. writings, the technology and power of the Anunnaki is something our The clash in tone between his names is not an outlier. The offspring of air deities Enlil and Ninlil, Nanna was responsible for bringing light to the dark sky, which was said to be divided into three domes over a flat Earth with each dome made of a precious substance. The "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki", essentially the Family Tree of Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses - Inana/Itar (goddess) During the Third Dynasty of Ur, the Sumerian city-state of Lagash was said to have had sixty-two "lamentation priests" who were accompanied by 180 vocalists and instrumentalists.[10]. [14]:203 The planet Venus was believed to be Inanna, the goddess of love, sex, and war. Hadad (or Adad) - storm and rain god; Enlil (or Ashur) - god of air, head of the Assyrian and Sumerian pantheon; Anu (or An) - god of heaven and the sky, lord of constellations, and father of the gods; Dagon (or Dagan) - god of fertility; Enki (or Ea) - god of the Abzu, crafts, water, intelligence, mischief and creation and divine ruler of the Earth and its humans He was the ancestor of all the other major deities[38] and the original patron deity of Uruk. The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, Anunnaki, arose in 1964, after the publication of the book Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, by Adolph Leo Oppenheim, who popularized this concept which was taken by different blogs and characters from the esoteric world and pseudoscientific portals. Engineer. The group consisted of 7 gods: An, Enlil, Enki, Ki/Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna. Ninurta: God of war, agriculture, one of the Sumerian wind gods; patron deity of Girsu and one of the patron deities of Lagash. Nanna was also the father of fire god Nusku and one of Enlils trusted ministers. For example, the people of Uruk revered the god An and the goddess Inanna, while the residents of Nippur considered Enlil to be their patron deity, and Eridu saw Enki being held as most important. [14]:184 The gatekeeper of the underworld was the god Neti. The Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki, essentially the Family Tree of the ruling class (or the Gods And Goddesses of the Sumerian Texts) is given by Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, Bantam Press, New York, 1999: The Grand Assembly of the Ancient Anunnaki (Sumerian family tree), COVID 19: not so much a pandemic as a Trojan Horse, Dr. John Robson investigates The LIE that 97% of scientists agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous, Experts: there are 3 hostile alien species visiting Earth, Declassified FBI document mentions Nikola Teslas contact with space people, Google Earth image shows massive alien face in Antarctica, What are some lessons humanity can learn from alien civilizations? NKJV. An was said to be both the brother and husband of Ki, the goddess of the Earth, and was at some points considered the de facto father of all creation. Anunnaki Family Tree With Complete Detail - FamilyTreeX First, the Sumerians believed that a single heaven and earth were formed by a primordial sea. The inscription mentions the god, the religious beliefs of later Mesopotamian peoples, "An/Anu (god): Mesopotamian sky-god, one of the supreme deities; known as An in Sumerian and Anu in Akkadian", "Ancient Mesopotamian Beliefs in the Afterlife", "Was dust their food and clay their bread? Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree + Did Gilgamesh Exist? - UGETube take care of their own and the Global Elite, and well go from there. Named after the Earth itself, Ki was a direct descendent of Nammu. the Igigi were considered as celestial gods while the term Should I be worried, Start palnning for my family and prepare for accepting and preparing for survival? Functions Babylonian & Assyrian Gods | Deities, Family Tree & Mythology - they were surprised when they first spotted what they called civilized man on the earth. In other religions, the faithful are afforded the comfort of life after death. Unlike Ereshkigal, the healing goddess of Sumer had a much brighter reputation in the region. However, he was far from being autonomous, as his actions were almost entirely dictated by Enlil, with Enki being something of an agent of execution. While Nammu may have been considered to be higher up in earlier forms of the religion, Sumerian goddess Inanna was unquestionably the most important female deity in the history of ancient Mesopotamia , and one of the most revered goddesses from all ancient civilizations., ( Lets see how this pans out and lets go from there. When Inanna visited the Netherworld, Ereshkigal had her stripped naked by the time she crossed the seven gates of hell, and proceeded to change her into a corpse. [9] 3. Enki's wife, Ninhursag, is one of the oldest and most important of Sumerian gods and goddesses. Top 10 Sumerian Gods and Goddesses - Ancient History Lists They say they come to bring peace, and as liberators, perhaps, but their minds are still on war, and that is in conflict with my own mindset, at least. Although the gods Nanna and Enlil refused to come to her aid, good old Enki sprang into action and tried to have Inanna extracted from the Nether realm. Anunnaki We are tired of fighting wars, and dont let corrupt government leaders manipulate you into thinking we need to go to war against this Invader Force. Different from many other major pantheistic societies, such as the ancient Egyptians or the ancient Aztecs, the chief astral god of the Sumerians wasnt the sun god, but the moon god Nanna otherwise known as Sin. Change). An, the Sumerian deity who ruled heaven, was the most important god, and the most important deity, in the religion overall. PRAY and love and touch peoples lives with compassion and remain aware of whats happening around you. [15] The highest and outermost dome of heaven was made of luludntu stone and was personified as An, the god of the sky. [14]:180 Each dome was made of a different kind of precious stone. Said to be in control of female fertility, sexual love, reproduction, and war, she was a catalyst of both life and death, showering the civilization with blessings when pleased. But if the Anunnaki were real. Let a.A.Mi. Then, the Anunna made a category of inferior gods, the Igigi work for them, until they rebelled and refused to continue working. about sumerian family tree please comment if we missed anything here, please let us know. [17]:58 Nonetheless, there are assumptions according to which treasures in wealthy graves had been intended as offerings for Utu and the Anunnaki, so that the deceased would receive special favors in the underworld. (Nibiru) and a.A.Mi. Nimrod, Nibiru, Anunnaki - Time to Believe 1. or one soul playing all the roles.. Sitchin stated that the ancient inhabitants of Nibiru had the ability for space travel and genetic engineering 450,000 years ago, and that they would have left traces of their existence all over Earth with small clues pointing to a still unknown technology that is present in various forms in the construction of pyramids (Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec and Chinese), in the megalithic site of Stonehenge, in the spaceport of Baalbeck, in the Nazca lines and in Machu Picchu. Like most ancient civilizations, the Sumerians came to believe that just about every earthly phenomenon, anthropological aspect, and astronomical event was somehow controlled by unseen deities. This is a summary of the Sumerian gods' family tree. Jesus was Jesus, his father was Ningishzidda. BB. [14]:179 The Akkadians syncretized their own gods with the Sumerian ones,[14]:179 causing Sumerian religion to take on a Semitic coloration. The deity of the dome-shaped firmament was named An; that of the earth was named Ki. John. metaphor with the Land of Canaan (canine = dog = anagram reverse or upside down for god = dog). In later times, Ereshkigal was believed to rule alongside her husband Nergal, the god of death. Like his son Utu, Nanna was determined to be a judge of good and bad due to his all-seeing position. Before the beginning of kingship in Sumer, the city-states were effectively ruled by theocratic priests and religious officials. The Sumerian "gods" Family Tree Web Site. Other cult centers of renown include Agade and Nineveh. After being separated from An by the former, Ki stayed on Earth to rule over the domain. Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree + Did Gilgamesh Exist? The goddess was also said to have crafted a set of legislations that shaped the code of law and etiquette in the area. Family tree of Babylonian god Relationship between God, nature, and human being in that civilization In Mesopotamia civilization, Marduk was a local Babylonian god and was raised to chief when city of Babylon conquered Mesopotamia. According to Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunna or Anunnaki were, initially, the most powerful gods and lived with Anu in heaven. Some remained virtually the same until later Babylonian and Assyrian rule. taken by different blogs and characters from the esoteric world and Author of years ago. Mesopotamian Religion - World History Encyclopedia It is said that Enlil himself betrothed the two divine beings. The Shocking Truth About Fish That Even Your Doctor Doesn't Know The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens The Demi Gods Who Are the Most Important Gods in the Hindu Mythology Family Tree? 2 see the lie). No deity in the Sumerian pantheon of gods was above making mistakes, and these errors and lapses of judgment were often regarded as parabolic lessons. Who were they and who was the first of them? . When they came to the Earth, there was much work to be done and these gods toiled the soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals. While most religions today are firmly rooted in the idea of a perennial god who transcends the very concept of time, the Sumerians believed that their primary gods came from the union between the goddess Nammu the Sumerian goddess of what was considered the primordial sea or salt water bodies and her partner Engur, who was not a deity but a personification of what was assumed to be an underground ocean of freshwater called the Abzu or Apsu. And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; (caused by NIBIRU) 26 mens hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Pjo/hoo fanfic Disclaimer: I am pretty sure I am going to forget to do the disclaimer so I will do it here. Still, they set the stage with their arrival, showing us what their real imperatives are. In the book Ningal was the wife of Nanna,[35] as well as the mother of Utu, Inanna, and Ereshkigal. Re: Anunnaki Family Tree. The Sumerians regarded their divinities as responsible for all matters pertaining to the natural and social orders. Jesus also told us to look up because your redemption draws near. Demeter. [14]:184 She was Inanna's older sister. For example, the Ancient sumerian stone carving with cuneiform scripting Statue of goddess Inanna, or Ishtar Statue of goddess Inanna, or Ishtar on white backgroung. Some sources also say that it was not Enki, but Abzu itself that was worshiped by the people of Eridu as the personification of the freshwater supply. The priesthood resided full-time in temple complexes, and administered matters of state including the large irrigation processes necessary for the civilization's survival. As a result, he was visually depicted as a bearded man in a typical garb of the time complete with horned hat sitting down, with flowing streams and fish around him. Either way, she went on to enlist the help of Enki to create a clay figurine in the image of the gods themselves. Humans were believed to have been created by Enki, the son of Nammu and An. The king-priest, wearing a net skirt and a hat with leaves or feathers, stands before the door of a temple, symbolized by two great maces. YogaEsoteric - Enciclopedia adevarului si a spiritului. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). Ancient Gods Family Tree - Unforbidden Knowledge May 25, 2020 shivampanchal Ancient Gods Family Tree SumeriansThe Sumerians influenced Mesopotamian mythology as a whole, surviving in the mythologies and religions of the Hurrians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and other culture groups. Adolph Leo Oppenheim, who popularized this concept which was Anshar and Kishar, in turn, were the parents of Anu (An), the supreme heaven god. He scattered stars and planets around the sky, and together with his wife Ningal, gave birth to Inanna and her twin brother Utu. The major deities in the Sumerian pantheon included An, the god of the heavens, Enlil, the god of wind and storm, Enki, the god of water and human culture, Ninhursag, the goddess of fertility and the earth, Utu, the god of the sun and justice, and his father Nanna, the god of the moon. [39], The Sumerians had an ongoing linguistic and cultural exchange with the Semitic Akkadian peoples in northern Mesopotamia for generations prior to the usurpation of their territories by Sargon of Akkad in 2340 BC. Norse Gods Family Tree: Who is Who? - Myth Nerd He also had relationships with Damkina, and Ninsar and Ninkurra who were his daughters. Their gods An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna were the seven gods who "decreed the fates," together with around 3,000 more. Niberou people came to earth as I have understood was Summeria now known as IRAQ (is that the real reason why IRAQ was invaded? (LogOut/ . [17]:58, The entrance to Kur was believed to be located in the Zagros mountains in the far east. While he was called An in Sumerian and Anu in Akkadian, both of those ancient societies worshipped An as the chief of the gods and the ruler . He was the first king of Egypt, according to the myth. All Rights Reserved. The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens - YogaEsoteric The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens 3,010 The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. SAM is near. Maybe one day we can unite with the a.A.Mi. Next, the Anunna, grateful to Marduk, founded Babylon and built a temple in his honor, called Esagila. Re: Anunnaki Family Tree. They HATE OUR GUTS because they are a cursed race of fallen beings left over from the orginal Luciferian Rebellion millions of years ago and they want us destroyed. [37] An was the ancient Sumerian god of the heavens. (Their female equivalents were known as Nin.) Among the most important of the many Mesopotamian gods were Anu, the god of heaven; Enki, the god of water; and Enlil, the "Lord of the Air," or the wind god. The highest echelon of gods in Sumerian religion were known as the Anunnaki. Later, without having established a clear motive for this change, the Igigi were considered as celestial gods while the term Anunna was used to designate the gods of the Underworld, especially seven gods who served as judges in the Underworld. Unlike most major gods, Enki did not live in heaven, Earth, or the Netherworld; he lived in the Abzu. Stan Deyo warned us that rumblings in the Pentagon indicate the Sumerian gods are returning. Inhabited by demons, gods, and the dead, it was ruled by the goddess of death and gloom Ereshkigal. It makes sense God would send Jesus to give us ampul warning not to accept this power or mark. She was older than her more lively sister Inanna, hated her passionately, and was a stone-cold queen who enforced the law that no one could leave the underworld without leaving a replacement behind. We dont want history to repeat itself! In other religions, the faithful are afforded the comfort of life after death. Note from the Editor: First of all; this is an authentic message! Utu had one child a daughter named Mamu who was one of many goddesses who presided over the realm of dreams. The Sumerian Pantheon and Creation Myth. phenomenon at global scale, The strategy of keeping secret the ET existence. Functions As a warrior god, Zababa was credited with strength and prowess in battle. Did you like this post? [17]:140, Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of love, sexuality, prostitution, and war. [19] This bleak domain was known as Kur,[17]:114 and was believed to be ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal. Gibil - God of Fire. The Trimurti 3. Marduk On the Anunnaki Family Tree . Check out our sumerian gods selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our art objects shops. Glory to . Please Note: The below "Sumerian god" Family Tree web site has blocked access from the Tribulation-Now web servers. Who were they and He was the father of Utu and one of the patron deities of Ur. [17]:75 He was the patron and creator of humanity[17]:75 and the sponsor of human culture. Did you like this post? [36] In later myth, her husband was the god Nergal. during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Utu: God of the sun at the E'barbara temple of Sippa; As I said, I have seen many different variations of family trees for these gods. deities were often associated with particular cities. Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses: a Pantheon of Battles - ThoughtCo The Family Tree of the Ancient Anunnaki - Those who Came Down from Heaven by Ivan Petricevic December 05, 2017 from Ancient-Code website The Ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Their order of importance and the relationships between the deities has been examined during the study of cuneiform tablets. [17]:134[14]:184 Galla were a class of demons that were believed to reside in the underworld;[17]:85 their primary purpose appears to have been to drag unfortunate mortals back to Kur. Nanna was depicted as a bearded man sitting on a throne with a symbolic crescent moon in the sky. The god list An = Anum lists two sisters: d ama-TR-ma and d la-bar-TR-ma. The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens 1,756 The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. The Anunnaki Gods: The Astronaut Gods of the Sumerians - Sumerian According to Sitchin's Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree - ThemeLower Sumerian artifact Ancient sumerian stone carving with cuneiform scripting A history of God: from Abraham to the present: the 4000-year quest for God. Gibil - God of Fire. - Sumerian God - The White Goddess In fact, Sumerian poetry referred to him as being greatly concerned with human civilization as a whole. As Enki's wife, she was sometimes called Damkina ("Faithful Wife") and sometimes Ki (the earth goddess). December 05, Strangely, Nanna was also considered to be the god of cattle because their horns resembled the crescent moon. She was known to accompany her favorite king in battle in the shape of the planet Venus, the morning star, or the evening star. Sumerian Gods and Goddesses - Chinese zodiac Sumerian gods included Inana, the great Sumerian goddess of fertility, war, love and success; Ninhursag or Ninmah, the earth goddess; Nergal, the god of death and disease; Anu, the ruler of the sky and the principal god in Uruk; Enlil, storm god and the main god in Nippur; and Sin, the god of the moon. In the Enma Elish, it was Marduk who created humanity and then divided the Anunna between heaven and earth and assigned them tasks. [19] The god Neti was the gatekeeper. There are three different ways you can cite this article. The theories are many, Writer. Until the advent of the Lugal ("King"), Sumerian city-states were under a virtually theocratic government controlled by various En or Ens, who served as the high priests of the cults of the city gods. Praises to Jesus Christ the King of Kings. following three (picture below) is a family tree more inclined to First again, here is the link to the You Tube video of Stan Deyo mentioning the Sumerian gods are returning. This will be realigned properly on return, and those who stand with them will be eliminated as pawns and as proxies which is what they are in hopes that the power and position now held will continue with the victory of their patrons. In a similar vein, the Zababa Gate at Baylon was known as "It Hates Its Attacker" ( Van de Mieroop 2003 ). Did you like this post? Amen. Each of their major cities worshiped a different god as their chief local deity. Sumerian myths were passed down through the oral tradition until the invention of writing (the earliest myth discovered so far, the Epic of Gilgamesh, is Sumerian[dubious discuss] and is written on a series of fractured clay tablets). Over the millennia, Sumerians branched off into Akkadians and later Babylonians, with the core mythology undergoing anywhere between minute and massive changes. This indicates this is likely intended to be, Give to the Poor, NOT to us (Matt. Then Enki created humanity so that it continued performing the tasks that the minor gods had abandoned and through cult would provide food to the gods. They did NOT create Adam and Eve or their bloodline offspring. [13]:3741, The ancient Mesopotamians regarded the sky as a series of domes (usually three, but sometimes seven) covering the flat earth. Did you like this post? This sounds to me like he brought the message down with him, to Earth, from the King, & seeing as he used email to contact Wes, I would say he would likely have used email to deliver the message as well. I would NOT want to be a foolish virgin (Matthew 25) and become a Tribulation Saint. The goddess who . The Sumerian-Akkadian pantheon was altered, most notably with the introduction of a new supreme deity, Marduk. EXEMPLIFICACIONES ESPIRITUALES, COYUNTURAS ASTROLGICAS, Experienced Pathologist confirms Covid Vaccination causes, Experts, studies recommend eating like your ancestors to, Majority of Indians believe in intelligent extraterrestrial, SPIRITUAL EXEMPLIFICATIONS, FAVOURABLE ASTROLOGICAL, Pesticide, Seed, and Digital Agriculture Industry, White hats are doing good work behind the scenes. [42]:97101 The Judaic underworld Sheol is very similar in description with the Sumerian Kur, ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal, as well as the Babylonian underworld Irkalla. It will shine in the southern half first and then appear to the rest of KI in a sixth of a Royal Set. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. [24]:108 He was also the chief god of the Sumerian pantheon[24]:108[25]:115121 and the patron deity of the city of Nippur. Is Fear of Freedom an Invitation for Fascism? The "Sumerian gods" are indeed returning on Nibiru. Ancient Egyptian Gods Family Tree by Injot Shoker - Prezi Thank you for visiting sumerian family tree page. One of the most stark examples of Sumerian religion being different from modern ones is the sheer humanness of ancient Mesopotamian gods. Anunnaki, arose in 1964, after the publication of the book "Ancient Or is this something else? [18] Instead, after a person died, his or her soul went to Kur (later known as Irkalla), a dark shadowy underworld, located deep below the surface of the earth. arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth from a supposed planet called Get started for FREE Continue. tablets and texts which were written in a cuneiform script that BEST I'VE FOUND. We love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Romans 12:14-21, Matthew 5:45-45). Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses - Zababa (god) Please Note: The below Sumerian god Family Tree web site has blocked access from the Tribulation-Now web servers. For anyone wondering why some gods have two names, it's because Mesopotamia wasn't a place with a unified language. 19.21), Coming Before the Courts of Heaven in Prayer, ** The A.A. Allen Vision of the Destruction of America **, Christians will Take the Mark of the Beast, Prophecies North Korea Sinks US Aircraft Carrier, The Stanley Frodsham Prophecy (seducing spirits), Trudys Childrens Dreams of Alien Attacks, >> NO GUNS! As for how the message was delivered, in the same paragraph Wes writes, He (meaning Utu) has returned to Earth with a message from his King . Enki, the Sumerian god of water, knowledge, crafts, magic and incantations, was credited with the creation of mankind, and was also regarded as its protector. [34] He may have also been the father of Inanna and Ereshkigal. This article "Family tree of the Mesopotamian gods" is from Wikipedia. Search this book on Leeming, David (2005). In early times, Sumerian temples were simple, one-room structures, sometimes built on elevated platforms. Accept Matt 19:21 3. A patron deity of Ur, Nannas main temple was Ekishnugal, which was rebuilt or restored many times by different rulers. It is important to remember that records from that long ago are often unreliable, and that there is plenty of overlap between deities as to what they are gods or goddesses of. Apsu | Mesopotamian mythology | Britannica Email me at [emailprotected] with questions. Whether a deity or not, she played a major role in creating the universe as well as humans and human civilization. Ancient Gods Family Tree - Unforbidden Knowledge The do NOT WANT THIS INFORMATION OUT. To understand Marduk's place in Sumerian legend, you need to know where he stands on the family tree.