If a comprehensive care facility is unable to effect a transfer agreement with a hospital in the community and can document its attempts to secure an agreement, the facility shall be considered to have such an agreement in effect. E. Responsibilities of the Director of Nursing. Written Policies. For brevity's sake in these FAQs, the Board will use the term "hospital" to indicate the entity that is required to report. (2)The record and progress notes concerning the[patient]residentshall reflect at all times the most recent and current status of the[patient]resident, including current short-term and long-term goals. Maryland Board of Physicians | 4201 Patterson Avenue | Baltimore, MD 21215. (2)The physician may document on the record that[his]thereevaluation may be less frequent but in no case may[his]thereevaluation exceed 60 days. [Patients]Residentsshall be assisted to obtain routine and emergency dental care. Provider Resources - Maryland nursing administrator, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or certified Please enable scripts and reload this page. The attending physician shall: (7) Respond promptly to notification of, and assess and manage adequately, reported acute and other significant clinical condition changes in residents;[and], (8) Ensure that individuals receiving palliative care have appropriate comfort and supportive care measures; and. A If the nurse is subsequently found in violation of the Nurse Practice Act and is disciplined by the Board of Nursing, this action is then considered public information. (17) Discharge means the removal of a resident from a nursing home when the releasing nursing home is no longer responsible for the residents care. A nursing home shall comply with all applicable federal, State, and local governing laws, regulations, standards, ordinances, and codes. ]; [(6)](5)Specialized rehabilitative services[]includingoccupational therapy[services], physical therapy[services], speech pathology and audiology services[. (2) Maintenance and installation may not conflict with other applicable laws, regulations, codes, or ordinances. (4) Outdoor air intakes shall be located: (a) As far as practical but not less than 25 feet from: (i) Exhaust outlets of ventilating systems; (v) Areas that may collect vehicular exhaust and other noxious fumes; and. (4)If[the]afour or five meal a day plan is used, the meal pattern to provide this plan shall be approved by the Department. Copyright Maryland.gov. Updated printed copies of the Nurse Practice Act and Regulations can be purchased at the Division of State Documents in person, by internet, or by telephone. (a) Relocation means the movement of a resident from one room to another within: (i) The same Medicare-certified nursing home; (ii) A Medicaid-only certified nursing home; or. Search on a word or phrase, or enter the codification number (search is word-specific unless you add an asterisk *). (3) A call station shall provide readily accessible and detachable extension cords to each residents bed in the residents rooms at all times. Dry Food Storage. (f) Residents beds may not belocated near radiators, registers, or sources of draft. (1) If a nursequestionsthe care provided to anyresidentor believes that appropriate consultation is needed and has not been obtained, the nurse shallinformthe supervisor. Any individual (other than those listed above) who has reason to suspect elder abuse/neglect may file a report. .44 Physical PlantHeating and Cooling. (4) Emergency power shall be provided for the: (b) Duplex receptacles installed 50 feet apart in all corridors in resident areas or appropriately located duplex receptacles in the common area of refuge; (c) Telephone service with at least one telephone available for incoming and outgoing calls; (f) Elevator, if required, for evacuation as referenced in NFPA 101 Life Safety Code; (g) Heating equipment, if applicable, to maintain a minimum temperature of 71F or 22C in the common areas of refuge; (j) Computer system, if applicable, to enable use of electronic medical records system; and. D. A licensee[aggrieved by]that disagrees withthe imposition of a sanction under A(1) or (5) of this regulation may appeal the Secretarys action by filing a request for a hearing in accordance with Regulation[.59].78of this chapter. (4) A nursing homeshallscreen with wire screen or its equivalent, not less than 16 meshes per linear inch for doors and windows that provide ventilation. They should not be read to imply that any other reporting is prohibited. (2) Private water systems shall comply with all federal, State, and local requirements. To Search COMAR online, go to the MD Division of State Documents website. (iii)Following the period of orientation,[the person responsible for the orientation program and the person in charge of the service shall]indicatethesatisfactory completion of the orientation program of the employee. (b) Demonstration of proper feeding skills performed on a resident, (4) Submit the quality assurance plan to the Departments Office of Health Care Quality at the time of, (3) Procedures to take action when there is a change in the residents condition, (b) Changing the residents plan of care as necessary, (1) A description of a complaint process that effectively addresses resident, (a) The designated person or persons and their phone numbers to receive complaints, (c) The time frames for investigating complaints, (b) Interview of the resident, staff, and, (5) A description of the process for notifying, (6) A description of a process for the ongoing evaluation of, (1) Names of the staff members on duty and the room numbers of the residents, A. Yes. In compliance with Executive Order 01.01.1996.03, this proposed regulation is more restrictive or stringent than corresponding federal standards as follows: (1) Regulation citation and manner in which it is more restrictive than the applicable federal standard: (1) The facility must provide medically-related social services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each resident. (65)Resident activities coordinator means an individual who: (i) Certifiedtherapeutic recreation specialist; (iii)Licensed occupational therapy assistant; or. Amber Havensamber.havens@maryland.gov, Compliance Coordinator: In existing structures, the Departmentshallentertain requests for waivers on itemsthat: (1) Willnot endanger the health and safety ofresidents, visitors, employees, and other individualsusing the nursing home; and. public is protected from incompetent or impaired nurses. If the physician so orders, patients who have a tendency to wander may be confined to their rooms by screen doors or folding gates. Each hospital, freestanding laboratory or ambulatory care center, or physician must submit a cancer report for all patients initially diagnosed , treated, or admitted, Circumstances Under Which Report Required, Infectious or contagious diseases specified by MD DHMH or regulation, Health-General 18-201 (diseases specified in COMAR 10.06.01), Health-Gen 18-205 (laboratory directors), A physician with reason to suspect that a patient under the physicians care has an infectious or contagious disease [except HIV/AIDs] that endangers public health.. immediately give the required information to the institution head/designee. C.The[facility]nursing homeshall maintain documentation of the discussion between the[facility]nursing homeand the volunteer concerning influenza vaccine and tuberculinskintesting. (31) Licensed certified social workerclinical (LCSW-C) means an individual authorized to practice clinical social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. The[facility]nursing homeshall[be]: (a) Bemaintained free of insects and rodents by operation of an active pest-control program, either by use of maintenance personnel or by contract withapest-control company[. In laundries in new facilities there shall be a physical separation between the clean and soil areas. (5) Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005 (MMWR2005; 54, No. ]; [(16)](15)Tuberculosis[Surveillance. (a) Orient staff to the emergency and disaster plan and to their individual responsibilitiesin relation to the planwithin 24 hours of the commencement of job duties;[and], (b) Document completion of the orientation in the staff members personnel file through the signature of the employee; and. Consequently, OHCQ has observed inadequate discharge planning and lack of coordination of care transitions. Organization, Policies, and Procedures. (5) A[patient]residentwho is in a protective device or devices may not be left in the same postural position for more than 2 consecutive hours. to provide constituents, businesses, (a) Anursing unit shall contain at least one janitors closet containing a floor receptor or service sink and storage space for housekeeping equipment and supplies. E. Quality Assurance. (3) Nursing, housekeeping, laundry, or other personnel may not be[utilized]usedas[dietetic]food servicestaff. Agency Note: It is recommended that the comprehensive care facility arrange for a similar transfer agreement with an extended care facility. (ii) One year of supervised social work experience in a health care setting working directly with individuals. Advisory Dentist. J. K. GarbageStorage Space. Attention - New Law Effective April 1, 2022: Implicit Bias Training Required for License and Certificate Renewal Communica tions from the Board of Nursing Public Board Orders issued after January 1, 2022 are now accessible here. Disclaimer: This information has been gathered from a variety of sources. (iv) All soiled areas within a laundry shall be connected to mechanically operated exhaust ventilation. There shall be an advisory dentist, (1) Recommend oral hygiene policies and practices for the care of the, (3) Provide direction for in-service training to give the nursing staffanunderstanding of, C. Assistance by Nursing Personnel. The licensee may renew the license for an additional 2-year term, if the licensee: Pays the renewal fee; Submits to the Board: A renewal application and satisfactory evidence of compliance with . (1) All air-supply and air-exhaust systems shall be mechanically operated. (2) The air conditioning system shall be in compliance with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code, and all federal, State, and local codes. After registering with NCLEX you will receive an Authorization To Test letter (ATT) accessible and convenient, and (29) Licensed bachelor social worker (LBSW) means an individual authorized to practice bachelor social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. (12) Culture change facility means a nursing home where physical environment and operational changes have been made to establish person-valued and person-directed care activities and services. (e) Smoke dampers shall be controlled to close automatically to prevent flow of smoke-laden air in either direction. The Maryland State Board of Nursing licenses registered nurses and practical nurses. [Facilities]A nursing homeshall provide: (1) Space for social work personnel, accessible to[patients]residents, medical, and other staff;and. responsive, accurate and consistent, Public records report utah county real . D. A record of the posting shall be retained for 1 year. H. Transfusion Services. Example: 20.25.01 would take you to Title 20 (Public Service Commission), Subtitle 25 (Electric and Gas Submeters in Apartment Houses, Office Buildings, and Shopping Centers), and Chapter 01 (General Information). The responsibilities of the director of nursing shall include: (1) Assisting in the development and updating of statements of nursing philosophy and objectives to define the type of nursing care the nursing home shall provide; (2) Preparation of written job descriptions for nursing service personnel; (3) Planning to meet the total nursing needs of residents to be met and recommending the assignment of a sufficient number of supervisory and support personnel for each tour of duty; (4) Development and maintenance of nursing service policies and procedures to implement the program of care; (5) Participation in the coordination of resident services through appropriate staff committee meetings on issues relating to: (6) Cooperation with administration in planning the orientation program and the staff development program to upgrade the competency of personnel; (7) Assurance that nursing personnel understand the philosophy and meet the objectives; (8) Participation in planning and budgeting for nursing services; (9) Establishment of a procedure to ensure that nursing service personnel, including private duty nurses, have valid and current Maryland licenses; (10) Execution of resident care policies unless delegated to the principal physician or medical director; (11) Participation in the selection of prospective admissions to ensure thatthenursing homes staff is capable of meeting the needs of all residents admitted; (12) Coordination of the interdisciplinary resident care management efforts; and. Nursing | Montgomery College, Maryland A. The mandatory reporting . B. (b) The filter bed shall be located upstream of the air conditioning equipment, unless a prefilter is employe. (h) The cost of care and any additional fees. Body Holding RoomNew Construction. In our example, you can read each and then select Subtitle 25. Each care unit shall have a nurses station provided with a medicine storage cabinet and preparation counter or table having adequate lighting overhead. 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, Attn: Director of Complaints & Investigations. (6) A geriatric nursing assistant[of]atthe[facility]nursing home. Drug Screening FAQ - ND Board of Nursing C. The nursing[facility]nursing homeshall establish a quality assurance committee that includes at least: (1)[A]The nursing homedirector of nursing; (4)[A]The nursing homemedical director; (5) A[dietitian]dietitian-nutritionist; and. A. If the employee formerly worked in a]; (5) Pastnursing home[, consideration shall be given to the record as it relates to]employment documentation, including any past instances ofabuse of[patients]residents, theft, and fires[. (4) A call system shall have a visible signal above the door of each residents bedroom that shall be visible from all parts of the corridor. [Signed]The nursing home shall file signedand dated reports of diagnostic services[shall be filed with]inthe[patients]residentsmedical record. [(6) Return of License or Renewal Certificate to the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene. indicate "N/A". (24) Geriatric nursing assistant means a CNA who has successfully completed the requirements for a GNA set forth in 42 CFR 483.151483.156 and COMAR 10.39.01. (1) In[facilities exceeding]a nursing home with more than50 beds, overall supervisory responsibilities for the[dietetic]foodservicedepartment and food productionshall be assigned to a full-time qualified dietetic service supervisor. B. Karen Hatwood The mandatory reporting law, however, also is applicable to nursing homes and to any of the alternative health systems defined in 1-401 of the Health Occupations Article. (2) Ifindicated,the supervisor shallrefer the matter to the director of nursing. The reporting requirements also do not apply if the specimen is taken from a patient known to reside outside of Maryland, or is tested as part of a research project granted an exemption by the Director of AIDs Administration. Home; Services; The Maryland Board of Nursing requires written, verified evidence of completion of the appropriate education requirements in accordance with Md. The[facility]nursing homeshall select[a resident]eligibleresidents based on the: E. State-Approved Training. [These facilities]. It can be filled out with your computer and saved, orprinted out and filled in by hand. (57) Principal physician means an individual licensed to practice medicine in this State who agrees to perform certain medical services under contract with a nursing home, consistent with the policies of the nursing home. (3) Laundry use,as referencedin the 2007Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings. Notification of Responsible Persons When[Patient]ResidentMoves. responsive, accurate and consistent, (b) Standardize communication about resident problems and conditions: (iii) Between these facilities and outside agencies. (4) The pharmacy shall have access to a copy of the written pharmaceutical care policies. (3) Demonstratea genuine interest in the well-being and welfare of[patients]residentsin the[facility]nursing home. B. A. [(g)](h)Storage under Non-specific Conditions. Thewindow opening shall be at least 28 inchesso that the total area equals 10 square feet per bed. InfectionPrevention andControl Program. Existing facilities (those facilities licensed at the time this regulation becomes effective) shall provide some method/means of a patient summoning aid that shall include as minimum a combined visual and audible signal that is audible at the nurses station and simultaneously activates a light located in the hall, outside of and adjacent to the patients room. Pages - Discipline/Compliance - Maryland Board Of Nursing (d)Management of the[facility]nursing homemay not permit the[patient]residentcensus to exceed the admissions ceiling without prior approval from the Department. No. Exemptions: Out of state patients; Exemption granted by AIDs Administration. Approaches shall. Appropriate provisions shall be made for emergency auxiliary heat by means of alternate sources of electric power, alternate fuels, or standby equipment. [Statutory exceptions for certain confidential and privileged communications]. 2. (d) Theminimum horizontaldimensions of a bedroom areto be 10 feet to: (i) Facilitate the placement of beds as required inRegulation .44of thischapter;and. (c) Document the content of the continuing in-service education program and include the names and titles of participants. [(7) Utility RoomsExistingFacility. investigator will be assigned. (2) CMS Manual System, Pub. (1) The building and all its parts and facilities shall be kept in good repair, neat,and attractive. (5) A food service floor panty shall include the following additional equipment: (b) Ice-making machine or ice-storage container; (d) Equipment to deliver completed trays; (e) Three-compartment sanitizing sink or dishwasher; (f) Cabinet for dry storage, supplies, and kitchenware; and. Online jail inmate search miami florida. actively manage the nursing homes infection prevention and control program. certain fraudulent activities and protect (1)Medical records shall be retained for a period of[not less than]at least5 years from the date of discharge or, in the case of a minor, 3 years after the[patient]residentbecomes of age or 5 years, whichever is longer. The basic nursing curriculum covers two academic years, is approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing, and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Controlled room temperature is a temperature maintained thermostatically between[15C and 30C (59 and 86F)]59F and 86 F or 15C and 30C. ]; [Agency Note:Refer to Regulation.26 Sof this chapter for window screening requirements.]. Thus, if the reason is not one of the 14 listed in COMAR (1) to (14), reporting entities should contact Board staff to determine if the underlying reason for the change falls into this 15th category. Unless otherwise indicated, all general requirements apply to both new construction and an existing nursing home. (1) A nursing home shall ensure that screened doors and windows are installed and maintained in accordance with applicable fire and safety codes and COMAR 10.15.03 Food Service Facilities. Records for all[Patients]Residents. (ii) Maintain a minimum clearance of 3 feet at the foot of the bed. (3)In new construction,thenight light shall be switched at theresidentroom door. (b) Has completed a minimum of 15 contact hours of infection prevention and control training that is approved by the: (i) Departments Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Outbreak Response; and. Storage space shall be provided for garbage and trash awaiting pickup. (2)In instances when an aide is to be assigned to a particular service such as dietary, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, the person in charge of the service shall be responsible for the evaluation and approval of the qualifications. A handsink with hot and cold running water shall be convenient to the nurses station. (2) Bedside hours include the care provided by: (3) Only those hours which the director of nursing spends in bedside care may be counted in the 3-hour minimum requirement. An interdisciplinary team shall complete. certain fraudulent activities and protect (4) A[patient]residentin a protective device or devices shall be observed periodically by personnel, to[insure]ensurethat the[patients]residentshealthand personal careneeds are met. Dayroom areas shall be provided. (6) Medical and social history ofthe[patient]resident; (13)[Discipline assessment]Assessments done by various disciplines; and. [(2)](b)All electrical equipment shall be calibrated according tothemanufacturers directions and shall be[periodically]servicedperiodicallyas part of a preventive maintenance program. (25) Grant means the award of money to an individual or an organization to: (a) Study an aspect for the geriatric population; or. . (2) Existing Facility. Pharmaceutical services shall be under the general supervision of a licensed pharmacist who shall: (a) With the advice of the pharmaceutical services committee, be responsible for developing, coordinating, and supervising pharmaceutical services and provide in-service training at least twice yearly; (b) Visit the nursing home frequently enough to assure that policies and procedures established by the pharmaceutical services committee are enforced; (c) Notify the attending physician of any potential drug problems found during the drug regimen review; and. E. Quality Assurance. Adequate storage space shall be provided forresidentspersonal possessions, including the storage of seasonal clothing. fraud hotline to receive allegations of (5) Before invoking stop order policies, the residents attending physician shall be contacted for instructions so that continuity of the residents therapeutic regimen is not interrupted. Maryland Nurse Practice Act. (55) Plan of correction means a written response from the nursing home addressing each deficiency cited as a result of an inspection by the Department. COMAR covers other actions that "may constitute a violation" of the Act or other applicable laws. (6) Each training program shall have behaviorally stated objectives for each unit of instruction, stating measurable performance criteria. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. (d)Residentsmay not occupy rooms extending below the ground level. The water heating equipment shall supply adequate amounts ofheatedwater according to the following temperature guidelines for: (1)Resident use, the water temperature shall be between 100F (38C) and 120F (49C): (2) Food preparation use,as referencedin COMAR 10.15.03; and. Nursing and dietetic services shall establish an effective policy toensurethat: (1) Nursingservicepersonnel are aware of the nutritional needs and food and fluid intake ofresidents; (2) Nursing service personnel providespecialmealsand nourishment when required; (3) Residents food choices and preferences are honored as much as practical; (4)Nursingservicepersonnel promptlyaid residentswhen necessary ineating; (5)The dietetic service is informed of physicians diet orders and ofresidentsnutrition-related issues; and. Menus shall be written at least 1 week in advance. (b)When the[facility]nursing homewishes to request that the restriction be removed, the request shall include the specific effective date and a statement that personnel staffing is sufficient to meet the States requirements at the designated census[figure]level. (30) Licensed certified social worker (LCSW) means an individual authorized to practice certified social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. Licensure Process for International Educated Nurses Requesting Agency Note: Care should be exercised in the rotation of stored food so that old stock is used first. Nursing personnel shall assist the[patient]residentin carrying out routine dental hygiene. After meeting requirements of the Board of Nursing (Maryland application, After registering with NCLEX you will receive an Authorization To Test letter (ATT). It is suggested that there be established a multi-discipline audit team to participate in an ongoing system of internal patient care audit.]. Any practicing nurse needs to consider what the Nurse Practice Act and COMAR states when consuming alcohol, taking medications or substances that could be considered controlled dangerous substances, using illicit or any substance that affects mood, attention, alertness, judgment, decision-making etc. F. Therapeutic Diets. SS-07, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA). Equipment for Food Preparation and[Distribution. (2) Each facility shall submit a written proposal to the Department for satisfying the developmental training program requirement. This meal represents, To the extent medical orders permit, bedtime nourishments shall be offered routinely to all. practical nurse, or certified nursing assistant knows of an action or condition Temperature. (a) A nursing home shall provide laundry service, whether on-site or off-site. New construction providing a conventional type food service program shall have the following minimal space requirements (excluding bulk food-storage areas, dining areas, and separate floor pantries). (1) Shall be provided on each side of all corridors in resident areas; and. [E.]I. (c) Bedroom Furniture. Mandated reporting is required when: Title 24 M.R.S. (13) The licensee shall prepare an executive summary of the nursing homes evacuation procedures to provide to a resident, family member, or residents representative upon request. If the[facility does not provide its own facilities but does provide]nursing home onlyprovidestransfusion services[alone], it shall meet at least the requirements[in Regulation.09FH]establishedunder COMAR 10.10.02. (2) Minimum Space RequirementsNew Construction. (i) There shall be a physical separation between the clean and soiled areas. All rights reserved. (a) The emergency power source shall be a generating set and prime mover located on the premises with automatic transfer. Space heatersand portable heaters may not be used. (3)The relief director of nursing shall be freed from other responsibilities. (a) Stored in water-tight containers with tight-fitting covers; and. These requirements are no longer in effect. G. Before discharge the nursing home shall: (1) Verify that the transfer and discharge to an assisted living nursing home is licensed and appropriate to meet the needs of the resident; and. The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master's degree program in nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice program and post-graduate APRN certificate programs at University of Maryland School of Nursing are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Provides a drop-down list of COMAR Titles, by number and Agency. General Responsibilities. There shall be sufficient floor space in the food service department to permit all activities to function efficiently without overcrowding. (g) The plumbing fixtures for all water supply connections to washing machines and the plumbing fixtures for all utility sinks shall have an integrated atmospheric vacuum breaker or other approved back-flow prevention devices. [The following requirements shall be met:]. In all instances sufficient consultation shall be provided to fulfill all required responsibilities. (2) The janitors closet or service alcove. Rollaway type beds, cots, or folding beds may not be used. . State resources. This duty may be discharged by reasonable and timely efforts to inform law enforcement and the identified victims. ], (1) The administrator shall plan anongoing educational program[shall be planned and conducted for the development and improvement of]to develop and improve theskills of all the[facilitys]nursing homespersonnel, including training related to problems and needs of the aged, ill, and disabled. ]; [(8)](7)Laboratory and radiologic services[. Acall system shall be installed and maintained in operating order in all nursing units. maryland board of nursing reporting requirements maryland board of nursing reporting requirements. If the employee refuses to be immunized, the nursing home shall document the refusal and the reason for it. (1)If a safe public water supply is not available, a private water supply may be used if it is approved by the Department. fraud and/or abuse of State government (2) Nurses StationExisting Facility. (2)The current weeks basic menu shall be posted in one or more easily accessible places in the[dietetic service]food servicesdepartment and in the[patient area]common areas. (ii) A curriculum approved by the Department or its designee; [(d) Privileges at a hospital in this state, participant in an HMO network, or credentialed by a credentialing organization approved by the Department.]. B. ]; [(5)](6)[The]Verifiedlicensure of personnel employed[as registered or licensed practical nurses shall be verified by the facility.